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Teacher & Tradie

ROB & TEGAN | Tradie and teacher from SA, learning our way through the 4WD and touring world and adventuring Australia any chance we get 🇦🇺

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Explorer's Way

Day 1 With school and Christmas holidays well underway, we were keen to get our trip started. On the 21st December 2020, we fed up the...

Picturesque Mt Gambier

This weekend, we ticked another destination off the South Australian bucket list and explored Mt Gambier. Being that we’re saving for our...

Innes Trip

With the October long weekend on in South Australia, we had three whole days to get away and explore our beautiful state, so we decided...

Loveday 4X4 Adventure Park

To celebrate the beginning of school holidays, we packed up Bessy and headed towards the river for a fun filled weekend of adventuring...

Big Bend on the River

Today we headed off on our first little family adventure. With the car packed and the dog in the back, we headed towards the river and...

From North to South

Getting Bessy home was an adventure in itself but one that we were happy to make. To avoid going through New South Wales or Victoria, we...

Purchasing our HJ60 Landcruiser

We had been looking for the perfect 4WD for months, and when I say perfect, I don't mean shiny and new, I'm talking something with...

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